989-486-9969 [email protected]

Inside our School


Our group area is where we gather for presentations, music and stories

Our group area is where we gather for presentations, music and stories

Our math area expands as children master skills and feel confident in their understanding of basic and more complex concepts

The sensorial area allows the child to learn through their senses by discrimination of size, length, color, sound, smell, and touch.

The cozy reading nook provides a quiet space for children to explore worlds opened up to them in books

Practical life works help children develop and refine their fine and motor control while practicing skills that can be used everyday

Children learn their letters and sounds in the language area.  The works are diverse to encourage interest and understanding.

Outdoor Area


We have two outdoor areas.  Our “backyard” area has activity tables, picnic tables and wooden structures to play on.  We strive for a natural area for the children to explore and play.  Occasionally the deer come to visit and we are able to watch them through our large windows.  The swings are in the front play area which includes structures for older children to play on as well as basketball hoops and a safe area for bike riding.

When the weather is too cold to play outside, we have a large indoor space for children to play and engage in large group activities.